Monday, May 19, 2008

Wanted, one good man....(sad to say I know....)

Playing=Taking My Life Away, Default
Alcohol units=2 (so far…hey it’s the long weekend)

The purging continues but that’ll be going for a while now. It’s weird the shit I find. Do I need phone bills from 2001? I don’t think so…..But I found a investment I forgot I had so I am pondering cashing it in and paying off a card and buying a new couch cuz god fricken knows I need one. This one has seen WAY too many CornNuts and dribbles of rum, tea and wine…..

I could have used a rent-a-husband this weekend. See, I had a bit of a tiff with my ex, whom I would normally sweet talk to do shit for me, and this weekend I really had some things that needed to be done and certainly missed his handiness. I bought a large blind for my dining room window where the sun streams in, during the afternoon and when it’s 29 fricken degrees Celsius that’s just not pretty. It always amazes me how just sitting on the couch and staring off into space in a vegetative state can cause me to break out in a profusive sweat…but YES! It’s that hot in my apartment!

So anyways I buy this blind and managed to get it on the crowded bus without bashing TOO many heads with it…(I’m sorry only goes so far) Then of course when I get off the bus I had to lug it another 5 blocks IN THE SWELTERING HEAT only to get home, take it out of the box and find a part missing. –seethes-

Now after this tiff with my ex I really don’t have anyone to call and say hey can I use you unashamedly to take me back to the store so I can do an exchange? I also don’t have anyone to call and say hey can you come over and drill a few pilot holes so I can put this blind up and while you’re at it you may as well just do the whole damn thing for me. And I also don’t have anyone to come over and fix the god forsaken bedroom ceiling fan which picks the hottest day of the year to fricken break. And let’s not forget my overly large desk that I have wanted to get rid of for the past 6 months, but everyone that says they are gonna do it for me never steps up. Seriously 20 minutes…get it out of my apartment and take it down to the Sally Ann! I’ll pay you! –pulls hair-

I pride myself on being independent, I’ve even fixed my own toilet, but my skills only go so far, and I think it’s best to stay way from any electrical work fixing the ceiling fan may elicit. So yeah any men out there wanting to make good money on the side? Rent-a-husband….do it, you’ll be rich in no time and think of all the single women you’ll get to meet!

Wow this was so not where I intended my blog to go today….lol


Pensive said...

-chuckles and hugs you-.. ohyes.. men are good for more than just one reason now and then.. -nodsnods anc chuckles again-

Donnie said...

*raises hand to volunteer*

I already told you that you just have to fly me out

She Spy said...

Who the hell says it has to be a MAN?!?!?!

I could do all of this and for FREE!

Yeah that's right, I've wired 8 ceiling fans in my home. Not to mention putting in a 220 line and re-doing the stable and garage wiring as well!

Putting up blinds? PIECE OF CAKE~speaking of which~that maybe what I'd charge a glass of wine or two ;)


Bella said...

Okay SS you're hired! place need a shitload of

Donnie said...

FINE! The only man to reply gets snubbed! I see how it goes! *sniffles*

Bella said...

since when do you do electrical work? Sides, I won't have to sleep with Tracey as, only if she

She Spy said...

Hmmm...well let's just see how many glasses of wine we have first ;) LOLOL :)

Donnie said...

Actually I CAN do electrical I can wire a house if I have to. I haven't done it in awhile but it's not that hard.

And as for Tracey and you sleep[ing together? I WANT PICTURES! lol