I just finished doing a cleanse, as in an inner type deep physical cleansing. What it basically involves is spending about 3 days “gearing down”…taking meat and protein out of your diet the first day, then the next breads and grains, then strictly veggies the third, then fasting for three days. After that you would spend 3 days slowly gearing back up.
I have a juicer so I juice fast. I used to do this every year but haven’t in about 3. I always feel so good after and it’s nice to know that you may have gotten rid of a few things that just shouldn’t be in there. I have to say though that it’s tough. Friday when I went to work the first thing a coworker did was shove an enormous plate of chocolate chip cookies in my face, offering me one with a sunny smile that I immediately longed to see being fed my fist. I spent the rest of that day AND the next day enduring a massive headache caused by the sudden lack of caffeine surging through my tea stained veins.
Ugh. By the second day of the actual fast I was sitting at my computer fantasizing about eating when out of the corner of my eye I saw a CornNut on the floor. One single tiny little CornNut. It lay there in all its wondrous glory, its beige outer shell gleaming in all its salty goodness, its satisfying crunchiness beckoning me. And I have to say by this point I was seriously considering the ramifications of shoving a loaded burger and a side of fries into my juicer. Then my ex phoned and invited me over for potato pancakes and yes I called him a f*cking asshole much to his total confusion…lol…but could a person take anymore?
But, I DID IT! I am on steamed veggies today and man were they good. Unfortunately I, with my department, went to celebrate a coworker’s birthday at this chocolate café. All of them shared a chocolate fondue, and drank various chocolaty drinks. I endured with sipping my Pellegrino and sneaking apple pieces from my bag…-a not so enthusiastic and very sarcastic yay- But I feel great and I want to keep the diet (good food, no crap) going for a bit and lose this little bit of extra weight, so I WILL to continue to be good! Even if it means resisting mean coworkers baring fat laden cookies and evil little CornNuts lurking in the farthest reaches of my livingroom!
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit www.GingerMancino.com for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
you go girl!.. -snugs ya-
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