So people who aren’t my “net” friends keep asking me what’s with the name. Well actually even some of them ask too. My rt name is Bonnie, but my online name is Bella. Not something I woulda chosen for myself, but it basically chose me. Here’s the scoop…
I roleplay online….love love love it! For those that are uninformed, this is where you make up a fictional character and play that character with other people who have made their own characters For the most part this is done in a room such as a chat room…live. You write a post about what your char does and says, then the other person does the same…back and forth it goes. I have always loved writing, and being able to play your char off another person, live, with no knowledge at all of what they are going to post really makes you have to think on your feet and causes some rather interesting situations. My awesome rp partner in crime Donnie has definitely stumped me a time or too…lol…oh the stories we could tell. We die laughing at some of the things our chars have gone through and/or done to one another. I couldn’t ask for a better person to “rp” with. His imagination and creativity simply astound me at times. I swear sometimes I have found myself sitting there, mouth agape at something he’s written. I want to write books with him but he dun wanna…-pouts- Anyways I digress! Must be the wine. ..-snickers- There are a lot of different themed rooms, Medieval, Sci Fi, Horror, Vampire, even Western! It was when I joined a Vampire one some years back that I inadvertently got the name.
Not having played in a Vampire themed room, but wanting to, I found one I thought would be “newbie” friendly. So I chose a room, then chose to play a character that was basically "pre-made" by the owner of the room. There was a basic bio, I only had to apply then elaborate on that bio. She was already named, and her name was Belle. It was after joining this room that I began to make online friends, and most called me by my char’s name, Belle….not unusual since most online people don’t wanna give out their real names. It kinda stuck, but when registering for some other forums that name seemed to be taken so I changed it slightly to Bella and that stuck moreso. So there you have it…
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
Thank you for the word "awesome" ascribed to me. But you of all people know to not feed my
It is truly amazing how a character and their name can follow you into other places.. other sites.. totally different worlds.. -chuckles-.. it took me a LONG time to get rid of the one that followed me and now I simply go by the nature of the person I am.. -winks-
And ever since I first met you, and even after we became friends and shared more about our rt, Bella has fit you.. it just does..
And as for "awesome" rp'ers, you fit that bill, too.. -nodsnods-
awww thanks Pensive! I feel like my rping has gone downhill though, but that's probably just me being overly But you definitely fit that bill too -nods lots-
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