Lesson 4) don’t forget to pack hair gel or you’ll look like a drowned rat all day…meh
So the next day after a lot of cursing at my hair, we went to OMSI, Portland’s science center. Yes, we are geeks. We did the planetarium show about black holes, and went on a submarine tour, then hung out looking at all the “sciency” stuff. It was cool, lots of screaming kids though. –shudders- The submarine was actually a lot roomier than the Russian one I had been on, guess Americans are bigger…lol…Oh and all this was after having a quick boo at the big weekend market. Lots of homemade crap, as always, and some lady gave me a sticker of the American flag. I…ummm…didn’t keep it. –shifty eyes-
We did have breakfast at Kell’s, an Irish pub, that is supposedly haunted as well. And OMG they had the drink of my dreams…my two favourite things rum and apricot brandy, together with orange, lime and sour mix. Damn tasty! I’ll be making those at home…lol…Anyways, apparently there had been a fire in the basement, that had traveled through the tunnels where it originated in the warehouse across the street. There are tables in the basement and that’s where their smoking section is. I took a quick boo down there, on my way back from the washroom. It was creepy, no one was down there and at the far end I could smell a smoky charred wood smell, it was very strong. One of the waitresses came down to get something and she chatted with me a bit, she was cool didn’t mind that I was looking about for ghosts…lol…but said as long as I wasn’t down there by myself cuz strange things do happen. She told me that the fire marshal had died over where I smelled the charred wood. She also told me that sometimes the piano plays all by itself. I made Jeff go back with me later that night for a couple drinks, armed with the camera. I took some shots, tried different exposures, but nothing showed up in the pics and no ghostly piano player saw fit to entertain us much to my disappointment. I might add though that neither Jeff nor the waitress could smell the strong odor of charred wood that I could. I took pics, but like I said nothing to see. The back is where you see the foosball table. Click here.
We ate dinner at one of the McMenamin’s schools turned hotel and restaurants, Kennedy School. While waiting for our table we had drinks in the small detention room…lol…it maybe sat about 12 people, and had a pot belly fireplace in the centre keeping us all nice and toasty. The whole building was really neat, and the food was good. They also had a drink with two of my favourite things in it, rum and chai tea. See why I love Portland so much?
So that about does it for the trip. Ride back was good, and I spent the afternoon bumming around downtown Seattle. One thing about Seattle is there are a lot of crazy people roaming around there, as if one day they had just let everyone outta the nut farm. Another thing I noticed about the US is the lack of recycling options. Here we have recycling containers all over the place, even the garbage cans downtown have a rim along the sides where you can place your bottles. The street people always collect them and they can take them in for money so it’s all good. But in the states? Nothing nowhere notta. It hurt me to throw away my water bottles.
Lesson 5) Although made to withstand scalding hot beverages, over proof rum will in fact disintegrate "to go" coffee cups.
Yes, I figured why not? A nice refreshing bevey for the bus ride back. Well a little advice if you should think about doing this…drink fast!
Lesson 6) If sitting on the back of the bus don't put anything on the floor cuz if some shit for brains spills his sticky drink on the floor it's all gonna run down to the very back of the bus and soak your stuff. (but I caught it in time so HA!)
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit www.GingerMancino.com for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
Thanks so much for writing about your trip.. I have loved reading about it.. good practice too for your European/England trip.. -winks and hugs-
I am so glad you liked reading it, (I enjoy reading yours too). Ya know sometimes when you are typing up a post you think who's gonna enjoy reading this shit...lol...I think you are about on of three who read it, I haven't really told many people about it.
Just so you know recycling anything other than cans is a waste of resources. It's cheaper, easier and cleaner for the environment just to make new stuff...I could get further involved in it but meh...like as not you don't want to hear it :D
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