The drive to Bath was pretty easy, and the country-side around Stratford is so beautiful I feel it to my bones. The trees are "puffy"...they are so big and full and look so soft in texture. We didnt like the narrow country roads for driving, they are so narrow and other drivers go so fast, but they really are lovely.
We got into Bath and were both surprised to find that the city was so big. I dunno why we were expecting smaller. Anyways we found that our previous two days luck had most definately run out and we found ourselves horribly lost in the thick of Bath. I rang the hostel from my cell phone for assistance but she was at a loss as well, admitting that she never drove. But she made an attempt to help and got a map and tried to figure out where we were. The ensuing conversation went like this...
"Youve missed the turnoff to Bathwick Hill."
"I didnt see any signs for Bathwick Hill."
"Oh thats because there arent any."
Yes I was struck virtually speechless because wtf can you really say to that? She also went on to explain that because Bath is an historic city they arent allowed to put up signs for the hostel. Uuummm yeah well thats great. So to see a sign for the hostel we would pretty much need to actually make it to the hostel when at that point we really wouldnt need a sign anymore. Gah! So an hour and a hlaf later and with the help of a really nice restaurant owner we made it to the hostel. We were pretty bitchy and even more so when we found out it was too early to check in and had been looking forward to washing up. I had just crawled outta bed that morning and needed so,e buffing up. Oh well we managed with the public restroom and were on our way.
First we did the hop on hop off bus and toured about the city...these are great for ahen you don't have a lot of time and want to see the key spots of the city. We then went to the Roman baths. They have Roman ruins under a lot of the city here as well and have unearthed as much as possible. They had crypts, the sweat bath, tomb markers and various other things. But the baths themselves are all pretty much there for the looking and were really incredible.
Next was the Jane Austen centre which was pretty cool if you are a not a guy thing. Jane lived in Bath for a time and the city is mentioned in a lot of her books. She never really liked Bath, it felt too enclosed for her and I quite agree. Though the buildings are beautiful they are all large and the streets narrow and so they just feel too imposing. We just didn't like Bath at all.
After tea at Sally Lunn's, the oldest building in Bath and famous for her buns we made our way back to the hostel. It was then we noticed that the fog light was on, on the back of the car. Well we couldn't for the life of us get it off. This added to the stress of the day unfortunately. Trish was worried about it not starting in the morning. But I said if it doesn't, we get a boost, no biggie really and so not worth stressing about. It would turn out that the light stayed on the whole time with it not sucking the life out of the car and so that was that. I dunno, maybe a new car glitch? I did tell you that they gave us a brand new off the lot car didn't I?
Next day we were back to Stratford, the reason being that we had a tour booked and had to go back. Also we still hadnt seen any of the Shakespeare shit in town. So we did the drive back, made it there fine and were once again off sightseeing. Shakespeare's birthplace which you find out if a replica and not really his birthplace only AFTER you pay the 9 pounds to get in. Then we went to the church to see his grave and then to Anne Hatthaway's cottage. It was pouring rain for most of the day but we dealt with it. We had to wait outside the church for a while as there was a wedding going on. Pour bride shoulda wore
Later we did a ghost tour and oh, I forgot to tell you about the Creaky Cauldron, but I am off to bed...night!
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
ARGH! A cliffhanger ending? I got enough of that last night with the Heroes Season Premiere! And now you have to give me one too? *sniffles*
She did do just that didn't she?
Heroes rocks!
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