So I left off at us going to Birmingham then on to Stratford. I forgot to mention one weird thing we did in Chester though. See, everything closes around 6pm except the pubs and bars of course. We didn't feel like hanging out in the pub all night (I know...shocker!) or the hostel and so we went to see a at least it was semi appropriate. We saw the Dutchess period drama set in England and based on the real life story of The Dutchess of such and such. In the words of Emma Thompson my brains has been replaced by soft turnip and I cannot think nor do I want to anymore than I have to right now. The movie was actually rather depressing and left us feeling blah.
Also the bus to Birmingham was yucky, it stunk to high heaven literally...why I do NOT want to know. I could complain but am not gonna cuz I think that the fact that there were no beheadings was a huge plus!
So we managed to get to Stratford in one piece, after finally getting out of Birmingham. I have to say that the signage really sucks ass. As I said before if the arrow looks like it's pointing left they may very well mean to go straight. I particularily loved it when the locals told us to go 'straight' thru the thing we discovered is that street names and motorway numbers can and will change in the middle of nowhere with no rhymn nor reason. I's some sort of conspiracy! I just know it...
The very narrow roads didn't do much for our confidence either. But we settled into a routine of me calling out 'curb!' every so often. I avoided looking at the sides of the tires on the left hand side of the I don't think it was bad at all. And we actually saw a sign while driving that said, 'Oncoming traffic in middle of road'. To this I can only say no fucking shit! For the most part it went well. I am sure that in time the blisters on Trish's hands from her death grip on the wheel will heal, and my butt will relax out of it's puckered state.
We had our own room at the hostel in Stratford which was in an old Georgian mansion. It was a great hostel, free breakfast in the mornings which we took advantage of. When we got checked in, settled in and freshened up we headed to the Dirty Duck Pub where we proceeded to drink more than a little. It was a really nice pub that gets busy after the plays are over as that's where the actors like to hang. We shared a meat pie that was fab and in the morning I realized that we never paid for it. You see there's really no table service over here in pubs so you go to the bar and serve yourself. But at this particular place there was a guy that took our food order but I still had to go to the bar to get the drinks. So he forgot to bill us and we forgot as well. He even called us a cab and so knew we were leaving. Or maybe we just blinded him with our stunning beauty and witty charm and he got confused...yeah that's it.
Well I am off to bed...seems here in London we are sharing a room with not one, but 5 Asian Disney Princesses...
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
He was blinded by your That
And why do all of these stories end up with you in a pub? lol
Umm...duh...we're in England!
Keep on pubbin'.. -winks and hugs-
Whew.... I'm glad Trish doesn't have to drive anymore.... That must be a mountain lifted from her shoulders... Kudos for making it as far as you did behind the wheel!
You should find a good pub (haha) and celebrate the vehicle-less freedom!
lol. well enjoy your blurry vision of Britain.
So.... Qu'est-ce qui se passe en France.... ?
Les-Smiles :~)
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