The whirligig of time, Twelfth Night, Shakespeare…
I saw this play last night at the Bard on the Beach festival that happens every year here in Vancouver. I go every year, and love love love it! They have it on the beach, obviously, in a huge tent near downtown. We froze our asses off but had a great time and the play was hilarious! Bonus is, I get to see it again in a few weeks with my friend when she comes to visit me.
So anyways, thus the title of this post, time seems to be racing along and I am having a hard time keeping up. Geez I have been busy! Trying to still do some planning for our trip which seems to be coming up quick! Gah! And not one but two guests coming to visit me this month. Still purging some odds and ends I happen to find and cleaning my apartment in preparation for my sister’s arrival later today. We haven’t seen each other in a year and a half! I can’t believe it’s been that long, probably the longest ever. We will be taking a bit of a trip, down to the outlet mall across the border then down to Seattle for a couple days. I am excited! I love road trips and the ability to buy my favourite rum in it’s over-proof form.
Other than cleaning, we had a huge event put on by my work. It was a lot of work and stress and I put in extra hours for that, but it’s all good. And omg I had a migraine in my eye this week! I never heard of such a thing before and man was it painful. How does my body think this shit up anyways?
I also saw Diane on Tuesday. She does your astrology chart, reads tarot cards, is psychic I guess the word is and believe it or not she can also communicate with the dead if they happen to be around. My mother came through for the first time ever! Apparently she’s all giddy with excitement for my trip to Europe in the fall. My mom loved traveling but certainly never got to travel as much as she liked in her lifetime. Diane said that mom was saying that I am getting to do what she has always wanted to do. For you skeptics out there she also said that she is up there with Elizabeth…Betty…and my mom’s mom’s name was Elizabeth but everyone called her Betty. Diane also said that there’s a small child with mom, someone who passed in the womb. My sister in law had a miscarriage before my mom passed away, and was pregnant with a second that my mom never made it to see. Mom always wanted grandchildren so bad….she even had Diane tell me that there’s still time for me. Geez mom, the eggs have surely started to rot by now. Besides that I am sure my tubes have tied themselves, tighter each time I hear a screaming, misbehaving spawn of someone...
Anyways I could go on and on about my session with Diane, and perhaps I will another time. It’s was all very exciting. But for now I got a ton of things to do, so until next time…
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
enjoy.. enjoy.. enjoy!
you damn well better have fun! lol. And glad to hear that Diane was able to contact your mom. I know how much you love and miss her.
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