Help! I’ve started shopping and I can’t stop! Yes me. Normally I dislike shopping. All that searching through racks of clothing, then trying on a ton of stuff only to find that none of it fits right, leaving me to feel like some sort of freak of nature. It would seem that I mysteriously fall in between sizes, the one being too big and the other being too small, like I’ve fallen in some sort of fashion size purgatory.
So anyway this all started when my sister came down last Saturday. We literally shopped almost non stop, only pausing to eat, drink and sleep. Oh and drive from store to store too. Park Royal Village, the Quay and Little India here, then the outlet mall across the border and finally Seattle. Gasp. We spent money like Elizabeth Taylor…she would be so proud. Now my sister left on Wednesday, but today I had to go and buy the new couch that I had spotted while we were shopping on Sunday. And YES I need a new one….BADLY! The one I have now is old, as in 15 years old and has seen the raising of three dogs and a boyfriend. NOT pretty! I’ll secretly admit that I love sleeping on it and only just recently forced myself back into my bed after two years away from it. See if I sleep in my bed I tend to roll onto my tummy which since my back injury is bad…very bad. On the couch I can put my feet up over the back and also can’t roll over onto my tummy which does wonders for my lower back, I actually wake up without pain. (Yes I have gotten to that age where even sleeping hurts) So I am having a small case of separation anxiety from my old couch friend but my new couch is so spiffy! Here it is but you have to picture it in sage green click here Now the pic makes it look small, but it’s actually about twice the size that you may be thinking. My sister and I fit in it together nicely. So cool huh? This is the great thing about being on your own without kids, you can buy funky things like this. Oh and the fabric is oh so soft. I can hardly wait to squirm my naked body all over it! Giddyup!
But I digress. As I was going to get the couch I noticed a sale of one of my fav lines of clothes and got totally sucked in. But at least I bought all things that I needed. Honest I did. But the shopping must come to an end as I have that little trip to save up for...that's in three months and YES I am starting to stress! But more on that another time.
My sister and I also had dinner with my buddy Jon again and had a great time. Went to Iver’s and the food was awesome! We had a lot of fun and I don’t think we terrorized him too too much. The next day we went to Kell’s which is close to Pike Place Market. It’s an Irish pub and if you’ve been keeping notes you’ll remember I had gone to the one in Portland. The food there is amazing and the owner, an incredibly charming older woman with the thick Irish brogue even came and chatted with us. Told us her soda bread recipe was from her grandmother who used to bake it at a road house she owned in Ireland. That bread was to die for!
So my sister gone and my livingroom is strewn with all my new purchases and baggage which I have yet to put away. But…it’s not going anywhere. (Unlike this fresh bottle of Lemon Hart over-proof rum –winks-)
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
Well, I am glad you had a great time, but shopping is not helping you save up for your trip, now is it? *wags finger at you*
-bites it-
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