Everyone’s been making New Year’s blog posts and so now I feel like I should make one too. Only thing is as much as I would like to sound all positive about 2010 the previous years have taught me that doing so only ends up jinxing me. But then on the other hand I don’t wanna end up sounding negative…so what do I have left? I’ve been trying to not think about 2010 too much. Have been just laying here fighting back the paranoia of 2010 by drowning myself in sappy romantic girly movies as my heart longs for a can of whipped crème.
After ending 2008 on a fairly good note I was still looking to have more in 2009. But I think it’s when you say things like “2008 was good, better than 2007 and so in theory 2009 should be even better” that some sort of evil hateful karma troll shows up to screw with you. Sure it gave me the first 4 months or so as a teaser, but it’s when you are all comfy in your new year that he’s most likely to show up. Then shit happens like near death experiences due to laxatives. (No pun intended)
I could have been okay if it had ended there. My week long novel writing course had finally got me geared up to start the damn thing, and plans were in place! But then came the severe Crohn’s disease diagnosis and this subsequent journey into the Specific Carbohydrate Diet hell that has become my life. And of course the evil hateful karma troll can’t be satisfied with that. Oh no he’s got to make every bus ride I take be a torture in itself by finding someone with take out food to sit right beside me. And the guy moaning on his Subway sandwich in front of me on the Seabus? Lucky to be alive! As he opened the crisp wrapper, revealing the sub in all it’s deli meat glory the decadent aroma wafted out to tease my nose. And as the mayo oozed out the side of the sandwich when he bit into it my eyes glazed over. Heat suffused my body, causing a trickle of sweat to inch down my brow. I began to salivate….to tremble. I could see the headlines…. “Woman freaks out on seabus, ends up sprawled on floor shoving sub into her face while growling menacingly..” Dear god if I can just have a sandwich! But after 5 different gag worthy almond flour bread recipes and 2 oven fires later I give up on the thought of having one til at least summer. –frumps-
Then as the lovely Christmas season approaches one of my best friends, my oldest friend, passes away. Was it a surprise? Well apparently only to me since his wife failed to tell me his was in the hospital. So no more time spent together, no goodbyes, he’s just…gone. That’s all I am able to say for now…..
So now it’s a new year, dare I hope it can be better? Bumps in the road happen and there are always hurtles to jump, those will never ever be entirely avoided. Over all I feel pretty good and things will hopefully continue to improve. So I guess for this New Year all I will wish for is to grab my fun where I can find it, live, laugh, love, and when the world shoves me around just keep shoving back. Avoid laxatives, wolves, internet dating, Pilates bands, , Newfie GPS's, rude men at the Louvre, stinging insects inside my clothing, and men in hot tubs who stand FACING the jets.
But of course there’s always wine….:)…Happy New Year!
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit www.GingerMancino.com for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
Bravo...bravo...*clap clap*
dare I ask which part you are clappig at? It's the stinging insect in the clothing thing isn't it?
Actually, it is the positive attitude you are coming into 2010 with that I am applauding. So ha!
Raises a glass of wine to you!!!
yeah go me...lol
cheers SS!
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