The next morning we were off to Versailles. OMFG were we ever in for a major disappointment! If you ever think of going, don’t. Of all the dozens (hundreds?) of fountains there, you know the ones that are ALWAYS in the pictures, something that defines the gardens? NOT ONE of them were going…yep that’s what I said…none.
And the rooms? Well when we first walked up to the palace we were met with an exterior covered in scaffolding. Okay, they have to keep it all spiffy I get that. But the rooms…well, first of all they were barely furnished and omg don’t even get me started on the wainscoting. Someone actually attempted to paint it to make it look like it was marble. Fine if they had done a good job, but the quality of this faux painting would send Debbie Travis into a fit of horrified-ness that could only be imagined. Hell, I was horrified! Actually they should have gotten her to do it, at least then it would have looked real and what a show that would have made!
So think this all sounds bad now? Well hold on to your Joe Boxers it gets worse…much much worse.
Some shit for brains moron who is obviously not even equipped with enough intelligence to being donning a paper hat and asking people if they want fries with that (thanks Donnie) made the decision to have an art exhibit throughout the palace. To call it art would be an insult to black velvet Elvis painters’ everywhere. It was vile, disgusting and horrendous shit that I wouldn’t even subject someone I hate to. There’s never been anything else in my life that could come close to offending my senses as much as this complete, total and utter crap did. And yes, it was in every room throughout the palace, some even made its way outside.
Thanks guys for completely ruining what should have been a once in a lifetime, truly amazing experience. I hope you all rot in hell, deservedly surrounded by giant balloon animals, inflatable pool toys, lobsters and badly faux painted walls. Fuck you! That’s an entire day out of my life that I can never have back.
OMG! LOLOLOL You poor dear! I feel for ya! I couldn't even hold on to my Joe Boxers while reading this! LOLOL Hugs gal :)
Oh man.. I bet you were disappointed and peeved.. yeah.. I just bet.. surprised even my Joe Boxers with that one.. -winks and snugs-
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