Wow. A blog. Mine. Something I always said I would never do. I either thought I'd never have anything to say, least not anything anyone's gonna wanna some point I would vent about something and end up pissing people off. Pissing people off is a special talent of which I possess, I certainly don't need a blog to do it. So what the heck, here goes!
I am staring at this blank page wondering what witty and profound thing I could possibly fill it with. I suppose I could say it's representational of my life at the moment. Oh that's profound! Then I realize that i could go on typing for days and completely disprove my lack of anything to say theory. And it wouldn't really be all that witty.
In a nut shell though the last four-ish years of my life have been sheer hell in a handbag. I very large handbag...lets make it a Fendi! After a stupid slip and fall on a patch of ice I found myself unable to work at the job I had been doing all my working life, in constant pain, unable to do the things I enjoyed in life like golfing and surfing. I could not work, didn't know what the hell to do, had no income, and least but not least no hope. If it wasn't for the help of my dad, I would have found myself homeless. (though friends and family woulda stepped in I am sure) So yes I fell into severe depression.
Anyways I have been slowly clawing my way out of this dark dank hole and have found myself having to almost completely re-invent my life. Thus the blank page analogy. Get it? I have a new wonderful job, a career doing something fulfilling for my soul. Online hobbies have replaced some old ones, playing with graphics, roleplaying, writing, though one day I do hope to get out surfing again. I am trying to get back into the shape I was in before the accident, which was GREAT. That's been depressing. And add to that time is not kind to your looks once you hit 40.
So here I am trying to fill up the page of my life as I am this blog, and I guess it's going to always be an ongoing process, a work in progress....but while there is tea, there is hope.
I’m busy trying to turn this into a fancy author website! For now, please
visit for news and information about my middle grade
novel ...
3 years ago
w00t!.. welcome to the blogging world, sweets.. -hugs you tight-
And it sums up most everything in your life since I have known you, babydoll.
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